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Power Shortages Loom

, Evan Sumortin

William Forstchen’s latest New York Times bestseller, One Second After, is a cautionary tale that explores the consequences of an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack on the United States.

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Screened but not heard

, Tony Perkins

Today’s Washington Post unveiled the District’s plans to test children as young as 12 for sexually transmitted diseases without their parents’ permission.

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NYU Law Dean Responds

, Susan A. Fani

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on an e-mail he received from New York University Law Dean Richard Revesz about the controversy surrounding Singaporean law professor Thio Li-ann.

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Intolerant University of Iowa

, Tony Perkins

With all the news about discrimination, some of the most egregious forms of bias regularly escape scrutiny. One of them is the persistent
discrimination conservative academics suffer at the hands of liberal state universities.

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Not About the Money

, Alana Goodman

Opponents of free-market economics have often portrayed capitalists as greedy money-grubbers, but one conservative think tank is arguing that free enterprise is the foundation of a virtuous and moral society.

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Where to Cut?

, Bethany Stotts

One University of Washington professor is proposing a politically-incorrect solution to school district’s budget shortfalls this year.

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No Christians Need Apply

, Susan A. Fani

Dr. Thio Li-ann, professor at the National University of Singapore, was invited to teach at New York University Law School this fall. After it was discovered that the Christian professor, while serving as a Singaporean lawmaker in 2007, opposed a repeal of the law proscribing homosexual acts, NYU students and alumni organized to protest her appointment.

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Tenure, Chicago-Style

, Cliff Kincaid

The University of Illinois, which employs communist terrorist Bill Ayers as a professor, has been hit by an admissions scandal which has forced the resignation of the chairman of its board of trustees.

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Full Court Press

, Mytheos Holt

This July, in the midst of the contentious hearings surrounding Judge Sonia Sotomayor, the Heritage Foundation convened its annual “Scholars and Scribes” panels to discuss the current trends in jurisprudential action employed by the Roberts Court.

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