Recent Articles

Huff Po Math

, Bethany Stotts

Yesterday the Chronicle of Higher Education elevated the liberal Huffington Post from a news outlet to a news source.

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Shariah’s Threat to America

, Malcolm A. Kline

A noted author who spent the first 30 years of her life living under Shariah law in the Middle East takes a dim view of the manner in which one of the largest school systems in the country—namely California’s—explains it to students.

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Voodoo Unveiled

, Santiago Leon

Last year, on July 31, 2008, the late Christopher T. Warden, a working journalist turned journalism professor, explained economics in terms so basic that even reporters and politicians should understand, particularly in these perilous economic times.

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Not Easy Being Green

, Alana Goodman

New “green” regulations being considered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could put small businesses in the red, warned some panelists at an American Enterprise Institute (AEI) discussion on July 24th.

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Voodoo Unveiled (Video)

, Christopher T. Warden

Last year, on July 31, 2008, the late Christopher T. Warden, a working journalist turned journalism professor, explained economics in terms so basic that even reporters and politicians should understand, particularly in these perilous economic times.

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Reclaiming High School Dropouts

, Emily Kanyi

Early evaluation results from a study of the National Guard Youth Challenge Program (NGYCP) released by Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation (MDRC) indicate that over 90,000 teenagers have graduated from the program designed to mentor high school dropouts and give them educational opportunities.

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Recent Articles

Has the Left Been Trumped?

, Emily Hughes

Regular Republicans may still be skittish about him but even their most eloquent and articulate critics on the left are hard put to make a coherent case against the presumptive Republican candidate for president. This…

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