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Captive Nations Captive Still

, Anthony Kang

In 1959, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed Captive Nations Week into law (Public Law 86-90) aimed at raising public awareness of the oppression of nations under the control of Communist and other non-democratic governments.

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The Me Diploma

, Malcolm A. Kline

When international test scores came out showing that American students scored lower on standardized math tests than Koreans but felt better about themselves, statisticians scratched their heads. It turns out that the Yanks may actually have been living up to what they were trained for.

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Shariah Deconstructed

, Malcolm A. Kline

Parents continue to voice their alarm over the manner in which California public schools teach seventh-graders about Islam compared to other faiths.

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Green Jobs Czar

, Evan Sumortin

One of the keynote speakers at the Center for American Progress was the Obama Administration’s very own “Green Jobs Czar,” Van Jones.

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U.S.-China S&ED

, Anthony Kang

Fresh off the heels of President Obama’s first visit to and summit in Russia, the new White House administration will kick off its initial high-level dialogue with China on July 27th and 28th.

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Dean of Mean

, Tony Perkins

By one recent count, President Obama has now appointed 34 “czars” to manage a host of projects. One of the most troubling of these is the new
White House science czar, Dr. John Holdren.

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Uninsured or Unexamined?

, Mytheos Holt

his Monday, July 20th, Cato hosted a discussion at Rayburn Office Building intended to discuss a new study by former Congressional Budget Office(CBO) Director June O’Neill.

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The Bill of Wrong Answers

, Mytheos Holt

As a response to the recently posted review of Kirsten Olson’s book Wounded by School, John Loflin, author of the “Learner’s Bill of Rights” (with which Olson begins the book) recently emailed Accuracy in Media the following message.

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