Recent Articles

Long Road to Reform

, Emily Kanyi

Some in Washington view Obama’s efforts to revamp the health care sector as yet another example of the government interfering in the affairs of its citizens.

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What A Revoltin’ Development

, Malcolm A. Kline

We have written about film studies and English professors who come up with novel theories about cinematic masterpieces without bothering to check the archived papers of the directors, writers and producers of those films to see if their hypotheses were the filmmakers’ original intentions.

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“Choice” for D.C. Moms

, Susan A. Fani

Following the lead of President Barack Obama, the House of Representatives passed a bill yesterday that would allow the District of Columbia to fund abortions. Also following Obama’s wishes, the same bill affirmed the earlier congressional decision to end school vouchers there.

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Sonia Behind the Bench

, Alana Goodman

Since President Obama announced his nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, the media has hailed the Puerto Rican federal court of appeals judge as a role-model for women and Hispanics. News coverage by the major networks has mainly focused on Sotomayor’s “inspiring” rags-to-riches upbringing and her “politically moderate” judicial record.

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Judicial Activism on Display

, Bethany Stotts

Ever wonder what Constitutional law will look like in 2020? While President Obama’s nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court raises the question of just how much judicial activism the administration intends to foster, writings from some of his nominees also demonstrate how the President prefers progressive jurisprudence.

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Recent Articles

Obama’s Father’s Day Fraud

, Cliff Kincaid

A young lady had presented an exhibit on the Fatherhood Leadership Crisis in America and cited Barack Obama as a successful person who grew up without a father’s leadership. But the evidence suggests that in fact Obama did grow up with a father’s leadership, and that the father was none other than his communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, and not Barack Hussein Obama Sr., the Kenyan who had “abandoned” the family.

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