Recent Articles

Teach Your Children to Learn

, Daniel Graham

One of most important lessons you can teach your
child is how to learn. Essentially, there are two methods of pedagogy.
The first method is authoritative: truth is handed down from authority.
The second method is experiential: truth is the result of experience.

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American History Exhumed

, Alana Goodman

On October 11, 1809, celebrated explorer Meriwether Lewis—of Lewis and Clarke fame—was found shot to death on the floor of an old tavern at the edge of Indian country in Tennessee.

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Presidential Succession

, Emily Kanyi

After the 9/11 terrorist attack it became clear that the U.S. was not immune to acts of violence that could infiltrate the country’s heart of business and power causing massive destruction and loss of life.

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Some of These Days

, Mytheos Holt

In order to devote further analysis to the threat level posed by a nuclear Iran, the Heritage Foundation recently convened a panel of speakers to discuss a recent jointly authored paper, entitled “Iran’s Nuclear Threat: The Day After.”

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Next Civil Rights Battle

, Brittany Fortier

The next battle for civil rights has begun. The creators of the movie Maafa 21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America identify the origins of this agenda as steeped in the teachings of Darwinism and the modern eugenics movement.

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Freedom Federation Takes Flight

, Bethany Stotts

A coalition of national groups committed to Judeo-Christian values launched the Freedom Federation on June 30, 2009 with the goal of promoting freedom and representing Christian perspectives on national issues such as abortion, health care, and hate crimes legislation.

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From Homeroom to Eternity

, Malcolm A. Kline

A new study by a trio of professors from the University of Minnesota found that 15 percent of teens surveyed expected to die young. Given what schools are teaching, that may not be too surprising.

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Recent Articles

Is It Really Worth Paying $675 Billion for U.S. Education?

, Spencer Irvine

From the Carolina Journal: “NEA researchers estimate that the United States will spend just under $675 billon on public education this school year. To put that figure in perspective, public school spending alone is roughly equal to the gross domestic product of Switzerland, the 20th-largest economy in the world.”

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End Common Core, say California Scholars

, Spencer Irvine

Government mandates are not looked upon in a good light in America, and Common Core is one manifestation of such animosity between citizen and government: The California Alliance of Researchers for Equity in Education (CAREE), which…

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