Recent Articles

An Appointment With Reform

, Brittany Fortier

Is there a doctor in the house? There were plenty in attendance for the CATO Institute Conference on Health Care Reform held on June 17, 2009, and they were all prepared to discuss the Obama administration’s plan to set up a government-run health care “option” that would “compete” with the private sector.

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ABCs of Community Organizing

, Deidre Almstead, Alana Goodman and Bethany Stotts

Being uninformed may not be essential to working with activist groups such as ACORN but as this video from the American Journalism Center shows, it seems to help.

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ABCs of Community Organizing

, Deidre Almstead, Alana Goodman and Bethany Stotts

Being uninformed may not be essential to working with activist groups such as ACORN but as this video from the American Journalism Center shows, it seems to help.

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One Race, One Vote?

, Mytheos Holt

Abigail Thernstrom makes the argument that, in the aftermath of the election of Barack Obama, the Voting Rights Act has actually begun hampering and damaging the very racial group it was originally intended to protect.

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Public Option or Government Takeover?

, Bethany Stotts

Amidst the heated debate over the future of health care, one professor told the House Subcommittee on Health that it could take 4 trillion dollars to make sure “nearly everyone” in America has health insurance.

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Al Jazeera Coming Attractions

, Brittany Fortier and Anthony Kang

Al Jazeera English is preparing for its July 2010 major-market American debut. The channel has previously experienced static in trying to penetrate the North American market, but plans are currently under way to prime this new audience.

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Healthy Debate

, Mytheos Holt

Reacting to what some have called President Barack Obama’s recent health care “infomercial” on ABC, Representative Charles Boustany, M.D. (R-LA) recently spoke via conference call to bloggers and journalists about the emerging Republican alternative to the 852-page Democratic proposal.

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Vetting Healthcare for Vets

, Mytheos Holt

Due to the recent appearance of oversight issues in the national veterans’ healthcare program, the Senate Subcommittee on Veterans’ Affairs convened a hearing chaired by Senator Daniel Akaka (D-HI).

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Recent Articles

A Primer on ‘Assault Weapons’

, Emily Hughes

“I happen to believe that certain types of assault weapons, which are manufactured and designed for military purposes to kill people, should not be used in civilian society.” Bernie Sanders “The only people who use…

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Requiem for Orlando

, Emily Hughes

The Orlando shootings were not an opportunity to talk about gun control and cry out at the system, nor was it simply a hate crime. While President Obama refuses to admit it, the attacks on…

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