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Anti-trust or Anti-trustworthy?

, Mytheos Holt

Last month, assistant Attorney General Christine Varney announced plans by the Obama administration to reinvigorate antitrust policy as a step to solve “cases where monopolists try to use their dominance in the marketplace to stifle competition and harm consumers,” a plan legal critics are warning is on a “collision course” with recent precedent set by the Supreme Court, and by extension, with the constitutional rule of law itself.

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Diplomas Count

, Emily Kanyi

A report released by Education Week and the Editorial Projects in Education (EPE) Research Center shows that despite a marked improvement in the national high school graduation rate, three out of ten U.S. public schools students still fail to get a high school diploma.

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School for Scandal?

, Deborah Lambert

Here’s a good story line for your favorite TV cop show: Get a school administrator to set up a drug deal between two middle-school students, and then deny your involvement.

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Save the GOP

, Deborah Lambert

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, touted as a possible savior of the GOP, took a gamble that paid off when he delivered a recent commencement address at Butler University (Indianapolis) that took a critical look at his own generation of baby boomers, according to Byron York.

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Save the Males

, Deborah Lambert

If you think male students have all succumbed to the politically correct powers-that-be on American campuses, think again.

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