Recent Articles

Chicken Little Lays Egg

, Brittany Fortier

Ever since global warming made the leap from scientific theory to purported scientific law, there has been a shortage of discussion on the effects of the policies aimed to combat it.

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Another Middle East Crisis

, Emily Kanyi

As President Barack Obama made his debut trip to the Middle East, many in Washington, D.C. were left deliberating on whether his Cairo speech would focus on a lasting solution to the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

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Two States, Many Problems

, Alana Goodman

As President Obama began his Middle East tour on Wednesday, June 3, Israeli and U.S. foreign policy experts expressed skepticism about the new U.S. administration’s proposals, which many believe are simply a rehash of previous failed policies.

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Recent Articles

Colonel Allen West Critiques President Obama

, Alex Nitzberg

The President’s support of the Black Lives Matter movement and his public statements about nationally reported conflicts between individuals and the police contribute to racial tensions, retired Colonel Allen West told Accuracy in Media. Colonel…

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Where do 2016 Candidates Stand on Guns?

, Emily Hughes

While the presidential nominees have been jostling for the public’s attention, some voters are looking towards the future and what it could bring regarding the 2nd Amendment. Currently, with Donald Trump as the presumed Republican…

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What Made America Great?

, Cliff Kincaid

It is sign of the times that when people are told that Harvard was founded by a Puritan minister and dedicated to Christ and His Church, most react by wondering if this can actually be true. The reaction is evidence that Cultural Marxism has almost succeeded in eradicating the facts about the Christian roots of American education.

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