Recent Articles

Critical Thinking on Cairo

, Malcolm A. Kline

Critical thinking seems to have eluded the media and academic elites in their mostly gushing reaction to the President’s speech on the Middle East, given in Cairo. Fortunately, the people who really know something about the issues involved are attempting to fill the void.

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Sonia & the Supremes

, Brittany Fortier

The Judicial Confirmation Network has sent a letter to all Republican Senators concerning the courtesy visits that Judge Sonia Sotomayor will soon be making to their offices.

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Donor Intent at Risk

, Malcolm A. Kline

We have written of the risks that the intent of donors will be derailed once universities get a hold of the cash. That is a particularly acute concern when the donors are American taxpayers.

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Freedom Is Not Free

, Alana Goodman

As pundits and politicians bicker back and forth about the cause of our country’s problems—the healthcare system, the free market, gay marriage—journalist Mark Steyn points to one root catalyst for our nation’s difficulties: indolence.

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School of Future Shock

, Alana Goodman

At Philadelphia’s School of the Future (SOF), textbooks have been replaced with laptops and high schoolers are taught core curriculum through technology-based programs like YouTube and instant messenger.

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Recent Articles

A Dash of Independence

, Malcolm A. Kline

When we had the pleasure of co-hosting actress, and first time author Stacey Dash at our first author’s night this year, I noted that she frequently stressed her pride in being independent-minded in interviews. As…

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VCU Prof: Brazilian Evangelicals Rise Up

, Cliff Kincaid

The Post story, “In Brazil’s political crisis, a powerful new force: Evangelical Christians,” is an amazing account from a liberal perspective of how Christian conservatives are taking back their country. One leading critic of the…

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