Recent Articles

The Pell Grant Pendulum

, Alana Goodman

President Obama’s recent commitment to raise the U.S. graduation rate to the highest in the world has left education policy experts conflicted on how to best increase college access and affordability.

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Notre Dame’s Honorary Degrees

, Charles G. Mills

ome of President Obama’s supporters have
attempted to justify the honorary degree given him by Notre Dame by
comparing it to an honorary degree given by the same university to
the newly elected President George W. Bush. The cases are in no way

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“Mama, What’s a D—?”

, Tony Perkins

At last count, the Obama administration employed 36
open homosexuals. That number could climb to 37 if the Department of Education manages to squeak Kevin Jennings past an unsuspecting public.

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Queering Elementary Education

, Tony Perkins

We expected liberal appointments to executive positions in an Obama administration, but it was still startling to learn that Education Secretary
Arne Duncan had actually appointed Kevin Jennings, founder of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), to be Assistant Deputy
Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools.

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New Deal Reality Check

, Malcolm A. Kline

As self-proclaimed intellectuals get embarassingly excited over the prospect of a new, New Deal, the rest of us would do well to take every opportunity to examine how the first one turned out.

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Separating School and State

, Liberty Counsel

Today Liberty Counsel filed a complaint with the IRS, asking the agency
to investigate the tax-exempt status of Americans United for
Separation of Church and State (“AU”). 

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Virtual Diplomacy

, Bethany Stotts

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton believes that “virtual diplomacy” via Facebook and Twitter is the way to empower America’s “citizen activists.”

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Recent Articles

Yale Study Shows Danger of Marijuana

, Cliff Kincaid

Donald J. Trump says vets are treated worse than illegal immigrants. But help is on the way. The U.S. House of Representatives recently voted to make it easier for veterans to get access to officially-approved…

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