Recent Articles

GOP Poised for 2010

, Emily Kanyi

The chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), Congressman Pete Sessions (R-Texas), has called for Republicans to embrace new campaign tactics if they hope to win the 2010 Congressional elections.

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Lost In Cyberspace

, Deborah Lambert

Surprise, surprise. Spending thousands of hours on the Internet apparently leaves children poorly prepared to face the challenges of adult life, according to The London Telegraph.

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Senioritis Cured

, Deborah Lambert

Senioritis is that time-honored “disease” that affects graduating seniors during the last half of their senior year, but this year it might just be in remission.

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Of Fairness & Freedom

, Emily Kanyi

“For a long time, the fairness doctrine has been sound asleep. In my opinion let it rest in peace,” said Jerald N. Fritz, General Counsel at Allbritton Communications Company, during a discussion panel on the fairness doctrine.

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Defending an Exceptional History

, Malcolm A. Kline

Truly, now more than ever, students cannot let their education end with college graduation, particularly when institutions of higher learning are increasingly sacrificing bodies of knowledge for reams of interpretation.

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Recent Articles

Black Lives Matter’s LGBTQ Agenda

, Alex Nitzberg

While the media cover Black Lives Matter’s complaints of racism and police brutality, they largely underreport the movement’s campaign to normalize all permutations of sexual proclivity. The “Guiding Principles” on clearly delineate the group’s…

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Dark Money in Science

, Kallina Crompton

Just a few months ago, mothers in Flint, Michigan prohibited their kids from taking baths after actor Mark Ruffalo claimed the city’s water contained dangerous levels of chloroform. Virginia Tech Professor Marc Edwards, who initially…

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