Recent Articles

Pro-Obama Group Demands Socialist Media

, Cliff Kincaid

While making demands for more federal money, another topic at the Free Press summit was how to divvy up the $7.2 billion that was authorized in the federal economic “stimulus” legislation to expand access to the Internet.

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ACORN Under Fire

, Emily Kanyi

ACORN continues to come under fire even as U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) moved an amendment on the House floor that would allow non-profit organizations, such as the aforementioned group, easy access to federal funds.

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Same-sex Semantics

, Malcolm A. Kline

A constitutional law professor at the University of California at Davis argues that “Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty” are “Coexistent Rights.”

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Once Upon a Time

, Malcolm A. Kline

Boston College sociologist Eve Spangler has put into words what may be the dominant theme in most academic discourses, not to mention university courses.

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Recent Articles

Who is Paying for Diversity?

, Malcolm A. Kline

While The Donald hits the hustings talking, yea, bellowing, about the jobs America has lost, academia has actually added to its payrolls, but kept mum about who is picking up the tab. “The number of…

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Mizzou to Conduct a “Diversity Audit”

, Spencer Irvine

What the heck does that mean?! Take a look: “In an email Monday, the four university chancellors and interim president of the UM System acknowledged that they “face challenges,” and announced work on an audit to “examine and create a comprehensive assessment and inventory of diversity, equity, and inclusion policies, practices, programs, and procedures across the University of Missouri System.””

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A Crisis of Political Vision for Millennials

, Kallina Crompton

Most college graduate millennials will change jobs four times before they reach the age of 32. U.S. Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE), overt leader of the #nevertrump movement, addressed this unprecedented issue to demonstrate the great problem that both political parties face — a lack of vision for the millennials.

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