Recent Articles

The Glory of Padre Pio

, Joe Sobran

One of the most famous and astounding saints
of the twentieth century, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, was born Francesco Forgione
in 1887 to a destitute but pious couple in southern Italy.  He was named in
honor of St. Francis of Assisi and even as a small boy wanted to become a
Franciscan friar.

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Stanford Shuns Condi Again

, Bethany Stotts

In the
several days since this correspondent reported that over a hundred Stanford University community members
had signed a petition against Condoleeza Rice,
the number of signees exploded to over 800 signatures.

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Boy Scouts Back in Court

, Alliance Defense Fund

WASHINGTON — Attorneys with the
Alliance Defense Fund and Thomas More Law Center filed a friend-of-the-court
brief Monday with the U.S. Supreme Court in defense of the Boy Scouts of
America, challenged by the American Civil Liberties Union for maintaining and
beautifying parks leased from the city of San Diego.

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No Leader Left Behind

, Jeannette Goodman

The NCPA is delighted to announce the return of I Debate – Developing Leaders with General Tommy Franks in conjunction with the General Tommy Franks
Leadership Institute and Oklahoma Christian University.

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