Recent Articles

Weathermen on Spring Break

, Cliff Kincaid

Bill Ayers’ terrorist associate Mark Rudd said on Wednesday that News Corporation Chairman Rupert Murdoch paid him $50,000 ($25,000 in advance and $25,000 on completion) to write his memoir about his days as a member of the Weather Underground.

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Graduation Prayer Campaign

, Liberty Counsel

Liberty Counsel is launching its annual “Friend or Foe” Graduation Prayer Campaign, seeking to educate and, if necessary, litigate to ensure that prayer and religious viewpoints are not suppressed during public school graduation ceremonies.

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A Question of Funding

, Bethany Stotts

According to The Chronicle Review, a publication of The Chronicle of Higher Education, academics are considering taking Obamamania to a new level for their fundraising enterprises.

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The Franking Privilege

, Bethany Stotts

Frankly scandalized: that’s how some American University seniors felt when they learned that their 2009 commencement speaker would be none other than Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.).

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Preview of Coming Attractions

, Alliance Defense Fund

Alliance Defense Fund attorneys are representing two German parents in an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights filed Tuesday.  The two parents were convicted under German law when they chose to educate their child at home on the subject of sexuality rather than allow her to participate in a four-day “sexual education” course and related stage production at her school.

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Nickle and Dimed

, Malcolm A. Kline

Long before America became accustomed to corporate fat cats asking for handouts like well-dressed homeless people, a cadre of millionaires has been subsidized by Uncle Sam with precious little oversight. Of course, we’re talking about college presidents.

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Recent Articles

Target, Transgenderism, and Transformation

, Alex Nitzberg

Target Corp. (TGT) stock has plunged approximately 12% less than a month after the organization declared that its transgender customers and employees could utilize “…the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender…

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