Recent Articles

God & George Washington

, Alanna Hultz

In Tara Ross and Joseph C. Smith Junior’s book Under God: George Washington and the Question of Church and State they discuss George Washington’s view of religion and how it played a role in church and state.

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Campus Peep Show

, Malcolm A. Kline

We don’t set out to cover the salacious but we’re on the education beat so what they do governs what we get to write about. Moreover, the prurient trend spills out into the popular culture.

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Obama Administration Shuns Poor

, Allan C. Brownfield

President Obama frequently discusses his commitment to quality education for all American children but the administration’s action with regard to the successful voucher program in Washington, D.C., holds this commitment open to question.

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Studying the Sublime

, Bethany Stotts

Is artwork a portal to the divine or an expression of humankind’s innermost creativity? Catholic artist and teacher Hamilton Reed Armstrong explored these questions at an April 15 lecture on “Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder.”

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Georgetown Caves to Obama

, Susan A. Fani

When President Barack Obama spoke at Georgetown University on April 14, the White House requested that all religious symbols and signage that might appear as a backdrop to where the president was to speak be covered up.

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Make Some Noise

, Liberty Counsel

The annual “Day of Silence,” sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN), will be promoted today in many public schools.

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Constitution on Life Supports

, Daniel Allen

It takes a book like Living Constitution, Dying Faith: Progressivism and the New Science of Jurisprudence by Bradley C. S. Watson, to put the current progressive mindset into perspective.

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Road to Green Hell

, Daniel Allen

While the risks of continuing to live our current lifestyle have been sung from the rooftops and beaten into the minds of citizens for years now, few have grasped the risks associated with the growing fervor of the green movement.

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Recent Articles

Mother Goose Gets Makeover @ Occidental

, Cliff Kincaid

Cultural Marxism is called “critical theory” in many universities today. At Occidental College in California, where a young Barack Obama went after being tutored in Marxism by communist Frank Marshall Davis, “Critical Theory and Social Justice” is now an interdisciplinary department, “drawing on ideas from across traditional academic disciplines.”

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Queering the University of Maryland

, Cliff Kincaid

But the state-funded University of Maryland had described its “Queer Beyond Repair” symposium as laying the groundwork for a total and complete revolution, away from “imperial rule and anti-blackness” to exploring “the psychic and material…

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