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Academic Watch List

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Yale may have extricated itself from one controversy when it rejected the application for a Bachelor’s degree from a former Taliban official already taking classes at the new Haven campus. Nonetheless, today’s sons of Eli foster an atmosphere in which indulgence of terrorism can flourish.

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College Rankings Deconstructed

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Every year millions of American parents and students pore over U. S. News and World Report’s college rankings to select the institution of higher learning of their choice but inside the Ivory Tower, the denizens may have a different reaction to the famous survey.

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No College Left Behind?

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The plan that U. S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spelling’s commission on higher education has concocted to transform the Ivory Tower looks a lot like No Child Left Behind—three parts funding, one part accountability. Nonetheless, as with NCLB and primary grades, the portion of the scheme that has the faculty lounge most apprehensive is the transparency section.

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Maryland Middle School Repression

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Attorneys for The Rutherford Institute have filed a civil rights lawsuit in defense of the First and Fourteenth Amendment rights of a seventh grader who was allegedly ordered by a Maryland middle school employee to stop reading her Bible during free time at school or face disciplinary action.

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