Recent Articles

Lost Horizon

, Daniel Allen

Despite sustained opposition from China, the Dalai Lama remains one of the world’s most respected and influential spiritual leaders.

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Progress Made Abuse Law

, Susan A. Fani

There are two bills before the New York State legislature dealing with the issue of amending the statute of limitations for cases involving the sexual abuse of minors.

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Pitfalls of Subsidized Energy

, Alanna Hultz

At the Heritage Foundation recently, panelists discussed the role of subsidies in energy policy and answered the question, is subsidizing commercial energy projects the best way for America to achieve it’s energy goals?

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Dropout Grants Subsidize Dropouts

, Daniel Allen

The policies of Beverly Perdue, the Democratic governor of North Carolina, were brought into question recently by a report showing that North Carolina’s high school dropout rate is getting worse, despite millions of dollars set aside in the state budget.

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Key to Open Government

, Alanna Hultz

At a Center for American Progress (CAP) event, panelists discussed what the Obama administration hopes to achieve, the policy issues facing the administration, the Obama administration’s vision for e-government and financial and economic transparency.

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Recent Articles

Communist Party Feels the Bern

, Paul Kengor

Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared on the website of the American Spectator. As it has for months now, People’s World again this past week carried a headline hailing Bernie Sanders “revolution.” As the successor…

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