Recent Articles

Rhee Revised

, Deborah Lambert

Michelle Rhee, the highly praised/beleaguered Chancellor of the Washington, D.C. public school system, is facing another hurdle.

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An Alternative Science Fair

, Deborah Lambert

A group of second and third graders in Kitsap County, Washington recently spent several hours outside at a local park and recreation area, counting piles of dog waste as part of their science curriculum.

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Bill Ayers Bias Watch

, Alanna Hultz

Accuracy in Media editor Cliff Kincaid provides an update on the not-so-benign activities of former 60s radicals turned tenured college professors Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

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Recent Articles

Local Funding = Local Schools

, Malcolm A. Kline

School boards have been vexing about their loss of authority over the schools they ostensibly govern. There is a solution to their problem, but it’s not necessarily one they want to hear. “The public must…

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Condom Core

, Malcolm A. Kline

While some parents still reel in disbelief when they learn that their children have to apply latex to raw vegetables in sex education classroom exercises, the federal government doesn’t think that public schools are doing…

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