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Federal Court Dismisses Valedictorian

, Nisha N. Mohammed

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has dismissed the First Amendment case of a high school valedictorian whose microphone was turned off after she began speaking about the importance of religion in her life during her graduation speech.

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Media Meltdowns

, M. Stanton Evans

The transcript of the first part of author M. Stanton Evans’ address on accepting the 2009 Reed Irvine lifetime achievement award from Accuracy in Media.

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AIM Honors Stan Evans

, Alanna Hultz

At this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Accuracy in Media held a reception to bestow the Reed Irvine award for excellence in journalism.

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CAPping Off Mortgage Myopia

, Daniel Allen

The Center for American Progress (CAP), about which Time magazine recently said that there is “no other group in Washington with more influence at this moment in history,” weighed in on the mortgage crisis on March 16th.

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Middle East Miracle?

, Heather Latham

On March 15, 2008, a miracle occurred. Mass was held for the first time in the first church in Doha, Qatar. Our Lady of the Rosary Roman Catholic Church is the first Christian church in the predominately Muslim country.

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