Recent Articles

CAPping Off Failure

, Daniel Allen

Experts and pundits warn that if we do not improve our college graduation rate, our nation’s power and status may decline more quickly, in comparison to the rise of other powers in an increasingly multi-polar world.

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Stimulating Shame

, Heather Latham

The United States faces what calls “a crisis unlike any since the Great Depression.” To combat this crisis, the government has come up with The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

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Sex on the Brain

, Tony Perkins

A new bill hit both the House and Senate yesterday, flying below the media’s radar. Reps. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) and Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) followed up the liberals’ plea for more international “family planning” funds with a request for some home-grown sex education.

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While America Slept

, Daniel Allen

The Obama administration, in its first few months in office, has paid so much attention to the current and potential opponents of the U.S. that some fear we have forgotten our traditional allies.

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Illegal Entries

, Bethany Stotts

More than half of higher education institutions responding to an educational association’s recent survey indicated that they knowingly admit illegal immigrants to their colleges and universities.

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Sally Quinn Showcases Bigotry

, Susan A. Fani

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments today on an article by Robert S. McElvaine, a professor at Millsaps College, that is posted on the joint blog site of the Washington Post and Newsweek, “On Faith.”

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Are There Any Limits on Bad Behavior?

, Allan C. Brownfield

We have entered a strange new era. Failing businesses – whether financial or industrial – are bailed out by taxpayers, and individuals who took loans they could not afford are subsidized by those who lived within their means.

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Recent Articles

Mao’s Cultural Revolution Bred Capitalism

, Spencer Irvine

Editor’s Note: Maybe the ‘May Day’ activists need a refresher course in socialism. Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution during the 1960s was a disastrous failure and it created a capitalist society in rural China, noted one professor…

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Health Care in Academia vs. the Real World

, Spencer Irvine

Four Harvard University students won the annual Econometrics World Championship (also known as the Econometric Game) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The annual event is organized by the University of Amsterdam and the VSAE (Association of…

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