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Campus Snapshots

, Malcolm A. Kline

From desecration of Christian icons to shouting down dissident viewpoints to penny ante smackdowns of candidates in student elections, America’s college campuses have become, if not fascistic, then at least places where fascism can happen.

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UMass Protests Free Speech

, Bethany Stotts

Don Feder was invited to UMass to speak on the issue of hate crime legislation for a lecture entitled, “Hate Crimes: It’s Not What You Think.” However, if members of the UMass Coalition Against Hate are to be believed, those who purvey hate on campus shouldn’t be allowed to speak.

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Bill Ayers Fears Parents

, Cliff Kincaid

It’s been quite a turnaround for Bill Ayers. The Communist terrorist who planned bombings of police stations, in order to inflict maximum injury and death on police officers, is now depending on the police at the University of Illinois, where he is a “distinguished” professor, to protect him from the tough questions of students’ parents.

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Head Count

, Heather Latham

“The cost of 2010 Census has escalated to an estimated $14 billion…making it the most expensive in the history of our country,” Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) at a recent hearing about the strategies for a cost-effective and accurate 2010 Census.

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Left-Wing Violence Exposed

, Bethany Stotts

A new extension of the 1960’s Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) has become more and more active on campuses since its resurrection in 2006. However, the “new” SDS, which is funded by the Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS), is influenced by many of the same 60s radicals who led the Weather Underground.

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The Anti-Semitic Left

, Cliff Kincaid

On March 4, Rupert Murdoch, chairman and CEO of News Corporation, received a human relations award from the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and gave a speech denouncing growing anti-Semitism.

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Happiness is…Gridlock

, Daniel Allen

Congressman Tom Price (R-GA), who represents the “happiest district in the nation” according to a recent study, expressed his regrets that his district “is not happy about what’s going on here in Washington right now.”

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King of the Roadkill

, Alanna Hultz

In Joseph B. White’s article “How Detroit’s Automakers Went from Kings of the Road to Roadkill,” White explains five factors that contributed to the fall of Detroit’s big three, General Motors (GM), Chrysler and Ford.

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Judgement Call

, Daniel Allen

By some estimates, President Obama may have the opportunity to nominate one-third of federal appellate judges in his first term alone.

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Economic Fundamentalists

, Malcolm A. Kline

A Baptist minister gave a sermon on economics that the ACLU and the Americans United for the Separation of Church and State would surely regard as crossing the theological divide.

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Recent Articles

Globally Warm Public Schools

, Malcolm A. Kline

Global warming alarmists who claim that the science is settled on climate change are partially right: Public schools have reached a verdict on it. “A nationwide survey of 1,500 U.S. middle and high school science…

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