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Valedictorian Censored

, Liberty Counsel

Liberty Counsel argued today at the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals in favor of Erica Corder, a high school valedictorian who was forced to publicly apologize for sharing her Christian faith during her 30-second message at graduation.

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Guinier Imposes Talent Quotas

, Kenneth Blackwell

The discussion over quality in higher education and maintaining standards of academic excellence in American colleges took an ugly turn March 2nd when Harvard law professor and former Clinton Administration lightning rod Lani Guinier declared that standardized testing is racist.

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No Justice for DeJohn

, William Creeley

This morning, in a federal courtroom a few blocks from FIRE’s Philadelphia headquarters, the landmark case of DeJohn v. Temple University neared its long-awaited completion.

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, Daniel Allen

Economist Paul Krugman explains one of today’s more pressing social and economic concerns—a growing income inequality—through his understanding of the Great Depression and the culture and politics it produced.

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Abstinence Awareness

, Alanna Hultz

As the fourth annual abstinence awareness week kicks off, ULTRA (Urban Life Training and Reality Assessment) Teen Choice held an event at Howard University to promote abstinence awareness.

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Future Physicians March on Capitol Hill

, Kim Cunningham

n Thursday, March 12, hundreds of medical and pre-medical students from the American Medical Student Association (AMSA) will march on Capitol Hill and urge the nation’s leaders to enact legislation that will train enough primary care health professionals to help provide care for everyone.

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Pakistan Watch

, Heather Latham

On February 21st, the Pakistani government agreed to a permanent ceasefire agreement with the Taliban militants in Swat Valley—a location only 100 miles away from the capital, Islamabad.

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Living Constitution, Dying Faith

, Alanna Hultz

At a Heritage event, political scientist and legal historian Bradley C.S. Watson discussed how the contemporary embrace of the living Constitution has arisen from the radical transformation of American political thought.

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, Daniel Allen

The only other event in our nation’s history to which policymakers and pundits have found it appropriate to compare the current economic crisis is the Great Depression.

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SDS From the Vaults

, Fran Griffin

In a sensational letter to be released at a March 12 National Press Club news conference,* the San Francisco Police Officers’ Association (SFPOA) tells Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival, Inc. that evidence in the 1970 bombing murder of a San Francisco police officer points to Weather Underground members Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers, two reported associates of President Barack Obama.

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