Recent Articles

Divide on D.C. Vouchers

, Tony Perkins

One devastating impact on children in the $410 billion Omnibus legislation being debated in the Senate is the removal of a successful school voucher program in the District of Columbia.

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DC Vouchers at Crossroads

, Bethany Stotts

Funding for the Washington Scholarship Fund (WSF), more commonly referred to as the DC voucher program, is likely to run out at the end of next academic year due to a sunset provision designed by Illinois Senator Dick Durbin (D).

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Iran Watch

, Daniel Allen

As Iran continues to pursue nuclear capabilities and its aggression toward the West shows no sign of slacking, many expect the Obama administration to intensify its diplomacy with Iran in the coming months.

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Cradle-to-Grave Stimulation

, Heather Latham

In this time of financial instability, people across America are being forced to control their spending. If families around America can cut back on their expenses to make ends meet, why can’t the government?

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State of Conservatism

, Alanna Hultz

American Conservative Union (ACU) chairman David Keene addressed the National Press Club as part of the club’s Newsmaker series on the “State of Conservatism.”

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Kors on FIRE

, Bethany Stotts

Oppression studies have colonized the new campus, spreading academic orthodoxies throughout the Humanities, argued Alan Charles Kors at CPAC.

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The Anything Goes Brigade

, Malcolm A. Kline

Politically active groups on and off campus are set to lobby a sympathetic newly-minted President of the United States to lift the ban that prevents open homosexuals from serving in the U. S. military.

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DC Voucher Program in Jeopardy

, Susan A. Fani

Since 2004, there has been a congressionally funded voucher program in the District of Columbia. But unless it is reauthorized by the Congress this week, and approved by the District, the program will be terminated at the end of the next school year.

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Recent Articles

Repeating Good History

, Accuracy in Academia

Meet some actual scholars, as opposed to the ones we usually get to cover, in the latest issue of Accuracy in Academia’s monthly Campus Report newsletter.

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Jewish Students Should Not Be Caught in the Crossfire

, Tammi Rossman-Benjamin

The University of California’s unanimous and historic condemnation of “anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic forms of anti-Zionism” has sparked a fierce national debate. Is anti-Zionism anti-Semitic? There are those who believe anti-Zionism is unquestionably anti-Semitic. In that…

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