Recent Articles

‘1619 Project’ founder denied tenure at UNC

, Spencer Irvine

The fallout continues at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill after the university’s board of trustees reversed its position on tenure for 1619 Project founder Nikole Hannah-Jones this year. Instead, the university’s public affairs committee…

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Biden’s War on Due Process

, Nic Valdespino

Last week, President Joe Biden nominated Catherine Lhamon to serve as the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights within the Department of Education. Lhamon held the same position under the Obama Administration during which she launched…

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Recent Articles

‘1619 Project’ founder denied tenure at UNC

, Spencer Irvine

The fallout continues at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill after the university’s board of trustees reversed its position on tenure for 1619 Project founder Nikole Hannah-Jones this year. Instead, the university’s public affairs committee…

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Biden’s War on Due Process

, Nic Valdespino

Last week, President Joe Biden nominated Catherine Lhamon to serve as the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights within the Department of Education. Lhamon held the same position under the Obama Administration during which she launched…

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