Recent Articles

Poverty of Ideas

, Bethany Stotts

President Obama recently outlined four areas he would like the new White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships to focus on: poverty, fatherhood, abortion reduction, and interfaith dialogue.

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AIM Honors Evans

, Sarah Schaerr Norton

Accuracy in Media will honor M. Stanton Evans and Karl S. Denninger for their outstanding contributions to journalism in a ceremony taking place during the 2009 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

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Afghanistan Remembered

, Daniel Allen

Public and political attention has turned increasingly toward Afghanistan recently, in light of President Obama’s promises to stem violence in the region.

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Chavez Greases Palms

, Heather Latham

According to Gustavo Coronel of Petroleumworld, who spoke at a recent American Enterprise Institute event, Hugo Chavez has had four objectives to define his career as president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

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World Melts With U.S.

, Daniel Allen

The Annual Threat Assessment of the Intelligence Community gave the new Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair his first opportunity to address a senate committee on the “far-reaching impact of the global economic crisis.”

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Drug Crisis in Mexico

, Alanna Hultz

Recently there has been a surge in violence and brutal acts committed by drug cartels, causing a national emergency in Mexico. The power of the cartels has allowed them to corrupt governmental institutions and law enforcement agencies at the state and local levels.

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Missile Defense Countdown

, Daniel Allen

As a nuclear Iran becomes increasingly likely, and North Korea continues to flaunt its missile capabilities, many researchers and thinkers are pressing for more comprehensive measures to prevent the use of missiles already in existence.

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Recent Articles

Do Grades Matter?

, Spencer Irvine

George Leef talks about the grade inflation and whether you can trust someone’s grades at college. Photo by michael pollak Photo by michael pollak

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How a Generation Lost Its Common Culture

, Spencer Irvine

A good read by ‘Minding the Campus‘: My students are know-nothings. They are exceedingly nice, pleasant, trustworthy, mostly honest, well-intentioned, and utterly decent. But their brains are largely empty, devoid of any substantial knowledge that might…

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The American Dream is at a Standstill

, Spencer Irvine

Now here’s news you’re not likely to get from many commencement speeches, especially if they are given by Obama Administration officials, including the chief executive himself. Michael Petrilli, president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute,…

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