Recent Articles

Bicentennial of the Botanist

, Daniel Allen

Last week, Charles Darwin would have turned 200. To celebrate the occasion, the Center for American Progress (CAP) hosted a panel of experts to discuss the impact that Darwin has made on society and how to reconcile faith and evolution.

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Same To You Buddy

, Bethany Stotts

“Ask God what your grade is.” These are among the words found on a teacher evaluation form stuffed in Jonathan Lopez’ backpack last November following his in-class presentation on God and miracles.

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Univ. of Georgia Apologizes

, Susan A. Fani

Earlier today, Catholic League president Bill Donohue wrote a news release about a poster placed in the dorms of the University of Georgia that misappropriated Christian iconography.

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Flirtmeister, 101

, Deborah Lambert

In Germany it appears that all work and no play still makes Hans a dull boy. That’s why German IT engineering students at the U. of Potsdam are leaving nothing to chance. Over 400 of them have signed up for a two-week course on the art of flirting.

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A Minuteman Goes to Harvard

, Tim Bueler

Each year Harvard Law School hosts the annual Journal on Legislation (JOL) Symposium, and this year they have invited Jim Gilchrist, founder and president of the Minuteman Project, to participate on its panel scheduled for February 26 in Cambridge , MA .

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Recent Articles

The Donald’s Diversity Deconstructed

, Cliff Kincaid

If Trump were to actually win the Republican nomination and become president, it’s questionable whether his policies would be in any sense Republican. Indeed, his foreign policy would be even more pro-Russian than that of…

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