Recent Articles

Free State Double Standard

, Susan A. Fani

Bills have been introduced in both houses of the Maryland legislature that would amend the current law that allows alleged victims of child sexual abuse to file civil suit against the offender up until the age of 25.

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The Bill Ayers Diet

, Deborah Lambert

While today’s teaching methods have certainly not improved students’ standardized test scores, tomorrow’s students may shock and surprise everyone with their knowledge about the politics of obesity.

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Free Markets & Free Will

, Daniel Allen

Recently at the Brookings Institution, a panel which included former Bush chief speechwriter William McGurn asked the question: does the free market corrode moral character?

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Reading Between the Studies

, Bethany Stotts

David Kipen, representing the National Endowment for the Arts, travelled to this year’s Modern Language Association Convention to promote The Big Read, a NEA program which combats declining reading habits by enlisting members of the community to read a piece of literature simultaneously

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Recent Articles

Politically Correct College Tour

, Cliff Kincaid

You cannot walk through a tour of most colleges without getting lectured about the need for “diversity” and the prevalence of women’s and even queer studies. My youngest son and I took a tour of…

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