Recent Articles

The Other Gas Wars

, Alanna Hultz

The most recent gas war between Russia and Ukraine took place January 1st after political tension caused gas price negotiations between the two countries to fall apart and Russia cut gas flows to Ukraine.

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BC Crosses to Bear

, Malcolm A. Kline

Accuracy in Academia has devoted considerable attention to policies and practices at Boston College that make the institution run by the Jesuit order of priests sometimes look “Catholic in name only.”

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Obama Youth Get Stimulated

, Katie Andriulli

In response to the stimulus package pending before Congress, Campus Progress, the youth division of the Center for American Progress, issued a statement outlining its expectations for the stimulus package, specifically in regard to the needs of young people.

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What About Bob?

, Daniel Allen

One of the most respected men in his field, veteran broadcaster Bob Schieffer, who is known for his intimate knowledge of Washington D.C., offered an insightful address to the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) on Monday.

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Christian Group Gets Reprieve

, Liberty Counsel

On Wednesday, a federal court approved a settlement of a lawsuit filed by Liberty Counsel on behalf of Child Evangelism Fellowship of Georgia (CEF) against Cobb County School District.

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Stalin-Hitler Cabal Exposed

, Daniel Allen

Adolf Hitler is understood to be the West’s greatest enemy during World War II, and his name will be passed from generation to generation in infamy, but it was the dictator of the USSR Josef Stalin, according to Viktor Suvorov, whose conspiracy led to the most devastating war in history.

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Recent Articles

Common Core Great for Homeschooling

, Spencer Irvine

The Heritage Foundation published a special report with essays from several education experts, detailing the background and the effects of Common Core. Stanley Kurtz, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and…

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How Reagan Won the Cold War

, Spencer Irvine

Ronald Reagan’s legacy, long after his passing, continues to be distorted by the leftist academic community, one professor noted at a panel discussion held at the Heritage Foundation. Francis Marlo, an associate professor of International…

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