Recent Articles

Ol’ Blue Eyes Deconstructed

, Malcolm A. Kline

Although on the surface, studies of the singer Frank Sinatra seem to be emblematic of the frivolity of university offerings these days, there may actually be some value to this endeavor.

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The Art Instinct

, Daniel Allen

It is hard to imagine what purpose art could have served in a world where every day was largely a struggle to survive until the next day. How did art develop among our ancestors, and what role did it play in their ability to survive and progress?

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Higher Ed Ka-ching

, Heather Latham

The argument that higher education funding stimulates economic growth because more people are getting into the workplace and earning more money, thereby spending more money was kicked on January 14, 2009, at a Cato Institute event.

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’Round Midnight

, Daniel Allen

The Center for American Progress (CAP) released a report last week discussing outgoing President Bush’s “midnight regulations” and how the organization hopes President Barack Obama will respond.

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Boston Tea Party Avenged

, Malcolm A. Kline

More than two centuries ago, patriots reacted to levies from the British Crown by, literally, throwing the Boston Tea Party. Now, in the new millennium, at least one professor is trying to reverse the inevitable result of that insurrection—in the very state in which the original rebellion occurred.

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A Question of Torture

, Bethany Stotts

Barack Obama’s recent nominations to the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) and other pressures have led some media organizations to question whether an executive order against torture may be one of the new president’s initial policies.

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Abraham Lincoln Brigade Revised

, Malcolm A. Kline

Scarcely a year goes by in which we do not see another documentary on the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, the American volunteers who traveled to Spain to fight on the side of the government there as it sought to repel the rebel army of Francisco Franco.

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Recent Articles

Coolidge Silent No More

, Malcolm A. Kline

Clearly we have to reach beyond academia if we want to reclaim our history. “Calvin Coolidge had four percent growth which candidates today only talk about as a goal,” Amity Shlaes, the former Wall Street…

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