Recent Articles

Pornography Prep Schools

, Daniel Allen

What did your sixth grader learn at school today? There is a good chance that she learned how to use a condom, or learned about homosexual relations from a gay activist.

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Literary Deficiencies Identified

, Bethany Stotts

Professor Walter Benn Michaels recently argued that teaching social justice to rich students was hypocritical in the face of ongoing economic disparities between college students and the poorer populations who, he asserts, can’t get access to these schools.

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Neutering the Net

, Daniel Allen

Because the internet has become such a fundamental, inescapable tool in everyday life for most Americans, many argue that it is now under threat of severe regulation.

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Virtually Gay Ghettos

, Bethany Stotts

At this year’s Modern Language Association (MLA) Convention, two panelists diverged on whether new media aids or undermines the process of gay liberation.

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, Heather Latham

Matt Miller repeatedly called himself a capitalist at a recent think-tank event, which he should understand the implications of, being an economist. However, he would have done better to argue that he is a capitalist who has converted to something else entirely.

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Academic “Stimulus” Takes Shape

, Bethany Stotts

According to Politico, the education sector as a whole, including higher ed and other K-12 programs, might receive as much as $140 billion from the stimulus bill, although the final text of the legislation has not been released.

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Recent Articles

A Man Called Adam Smith

, Malcolm A. Kline

If the Left thinks of Adam Smith at all, it is probably as a profile on neckties worn by their bete noires on the right, but genuine liberals might find him a worthy subject of…

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