Recent Articles

Robot U

, Deborah Lambert

Those who say we’re turning into mind-numbed robots may find ample support for this view in the current crop of college applications.

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Dreams From My President

, Bethany Stotts

A professor emerita at Stanford University, Marjorie Gabrielle Perloff dedicated the majority of her 20-minute speech to commenting on Barack Obama’s highly electable character and his autobiography.

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Men to Boys

, Deborah Lambert

A new book called Men to Boys by history professor Gary Cross, compares the current generation of young men with the post-World War II generation, and children raised in the 1960s.

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Committee on Anti-Liebermanisms

, Bethany Stotts

Readers of this publication might not be surprised to find that some academics didn’t take too well to Independent Senator Joe Lieberman’s (Conn.) decision to campaign on behalf of the Republican candidate this year. Even after Barack Obama’s election success, some professors feel the need to continue to vent their distaste for Lieberman.

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Unhealthy Obsessions

, Bethany Stotts

In the light of John Podesta’s position as one of Barack Obama’s top three transition team leaders and the central role the Center for American Progress (CAP) is likely to have in molding the next administration’s policies, some might ask what this think-tank’s influential position will mean for the War on Terror.

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Recent Articles

Scott Walker’s Wisconsin

, Spencer Irvine

Editor’s Note: Wisconsin profs still bemoan Governor Walker’s existence. One take from the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) on Scott Walker’s budget cuts and remodeling of the University of Wisconsin system. Photo by Michael Vadon…

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Anti-Semitism on California Campuses

, Richard Cravatts

Editor’s Note: This post originally appeared on the Gatestone Institute website. The California university system seems to have the dubious distinction of being the epicenter of the campus war against Israel. The situation that has…

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Taxing Yale’s Endowment

, Spencer Irvine

According to the Wall Street Journal (be aware they have a paywall), Connecticut lawmakers are looking to tax Yale University’s endowment.   Photo by thomas autumn photography

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