Recent Articles

Faith of Our Feminists

, Malcolm A. Kline

One of the oddities of modern-day Catholic higher education, particularly in institutions run by Jesuit priests, is that Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues seems to be more ubiquitous on such campuses than Nativity scenes or Crucifixes.

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More Money for Academia?

, Bethany Stotts

Expanding the availability of student loans and grants at this time might just ensure that students can still get their degrees without actually causing schools to charge less for college.

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Don’t Tread on Bill

, Malcolm A. Kline

American academics have mustered more support for Weather Underground alum and tenured professor Bill Ayers than they ever have for the country which they work in.

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New Deal Stacked Again

, Bethany Stotts

On December 15, thirty prominent academic associations lobbied Congress for the inclusion of funds for schools in the upcoming economic stimulus bill, adding higher education to other industries looking for federal aid in the midst of the economic turndown.

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Green Standards over Better Education?

, Dr. Richard Brake

The Washington Post recently reported that higher education officials acknowledge that Americans are “less well educated” than past generations, but rather than ask for help in education they came to Congress asking that they fund their buildings on campus to be standardized as “green.”

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CSI: Indiana

, Tony Perkins

This week, Lila Rose released the second in a series of incriminating videos against Indiana’s Planned Parenthood clinics.

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Recent Articles

Academic Problem with Polls

, Malcolm A. Kline

When academics point out the problems with polls, they might wind up trying to regulate them. “Because one of the things I want to say about public opinion polls is that they are the child…

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