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Bringing Up Baby

, Tony Perkins

In yesterday’s Washington Post, however, one of Williams’ teachers highlights a real-life drama on Virginia’s famous campus—the growing number of teen parents.

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Academics Laud Drug Use

, Bethany Stotts

Six academics and Philip Campbell, the editor-in-chief of Nature Magazine, recently argued that society should move “towards the responsible use of cognitive-enhancing drugs by the healthy,” particularly drugs typically used in the treatment of ADHD.

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What Hath Change Wrought

, Malcolm A. Kline

Although the U.S. president-elect is not even in office yet, his supporters are already changing the face of higher education in America moving it, if possible, even further left.

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The Summers Saga

, Deborah Lambert

Now that former Clinton-era Treasury Secretary Larry Summers is part of President Obama’s inner circle, you’d think that bygones would be bygones.

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Recent Articles

Silver Linings to Student Meltdowns

, Malcolm A. Kline

  The bad news is that student protestors today are more openly totalitarian than demonstrators of the 1960s. The good news: They’re less destructive. “At the University of Kansas, where I graduated, students torched the…

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