Recent Articles

Obama’s Time For Choosing

, Bethany Stotts

Proponents of school choice typically hail from two groups: free marketers and civil rights advocates. Marquette University professor Howard Fuller hails from the latter persuasion.

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The Other Chicago School

, Tony Perkins

With roughly 2,000 political appointments to make, Team Obama has had its hands full. This week, the President-elect concentrated on rounding out his Cabinet, naming his hometown school chief, Chicago’s Arne Duncan, to head the Department of Education.

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Nationalized House Calls

, Jesse Masai

Nondescript is not what you will consider The Health Care Delivery System : A Blueprint for Reform, a book co-authored by both CAP and the Institute on Medicine as a Profession.

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Abortion Bias in Academia

, Tony Perkins

In a new study sure to capture the Left’s attention, a research team at Johns Hopkins is attempting to persuade policymakers that abortion does not cause emotional distress, despite strong evidence to the contrary.

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Impoverished Studies

, Bethany Stotts

According to Nicholas Eberstadt, an American Enterprise Institute scholar, journalists and policy makers will likely find that next year’s census report poverty statistics are arbitrary to the true economic state of America’s poorest citizens.

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Recent Articles

Soul-Free Universities

, Spencer Irvine

There’s something else that universities have missed in their diversity checklist. “Because when we teach communism is good, capitalism is bad, when we teach self-actualization is the goal of the academy rather than selflessness and…

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