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Supporting the Particular Welfare

, Bethany Stotts

Some poverty experts focus almost exclusively on dramatic declines in TANF enrollment, even though welfare recipiency rates, as defined by the Department of Health and Human Services, remain level.

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Congress Buries History

, Tony Perkins

The U.S. Capitol unveiled what one congressman has called a “$600 million godless pit,” a palatial underground visitors’ center which is at the heart of an ongoing debate over the place of America’s religious heritage in the nation’s capital.

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Ivory Tower Hero

, Bethany Stotts

William Ayers hasn’t given up railing against authority figures in the four decades following his time with the Weather Underground.

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Teaching as a Martial Art

, Bethany Stotts

Inner city teachers have long talked of getting “combat pay” for teaching in troubled schools but now they are taking the military analogy to a whole new level.

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