Recent Articles

Tale of Two Kingdoms

, Lance Nation

Americans who have become accustomed to seeing Arab potentates shower lavish gifts upon American universities might be surprised to learn that young people from that region do not fare too well, although they tend to blame the United States for their condition.

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Letting Out the Vote

, Malcolm A. Kline

The youth vote finally turned out in significant numbers in the last presidential election but the manner in which these idealistic students are spreading their political capital, egged on by organizers—national and community—may not be the best way to “leave the planet a better place than they found it.”

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Diatha DeConstructed

, Bethany Stotts

The actions of one fifth-grade teacher in North Carolina, Diatha Harris, have elicited anger throughout the nation for comments regarding a student’s support of John McCain. In response to damaging video footage of the teacher’s classroom comments, the local superintendent announced a full investigation into the teacher’s actions last Friday.

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Title IXing Science, UT-Austin Style

, Bethany Stotts

It is very likely that under a new gender equity program, the University of Texas at Austin, home to a professor who favors Title IX requirements for professors, will concentrate on providing gender parity within its science departments.

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Red Sky at Morning

, Malcolm A. Kline

An argument could be made that this past presidential election was not so much a choice between a liberal and a conservative as much as what some authors might term a contest between feminine and masculine progressives.

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Best Laid Medicare Plans

, Irene Warren

One representative from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services said that despite having the option of a low government-formulated plan, Medicare recipients are willing to pay more for better benefits.

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Recent Articles

Academic Free Speech Freefall

, Malcolm A. Kline

It is one of the many ironies of our modern age that one of the places that the first amendment is designed to benefit—the academy—is so maladroit in using it. “What, exactly, is the tension…

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