Recent Articles

Race Street

, Malcolm A. Kline

At a recent conclave at the National Press Club, a trio of political scientists trotting out their election forecasts were asked what role ideology played in their predictions.

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Faith Motors

, Bethany Stotts

What do the body’s molecular structure and car engines have in common? Both are clearly made by someone, argues one biochemist.

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Commies for Obama

, Deborah Lambert

When members of the D.C. Federation of College Democrats traveled to Ohio this fall to rev up undecided voters, they were surprised when one member of an Eastern European household shouted that he supported “Obama the Communist.

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University Cancels Ayers Speech

, Don Irvine

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has decided to cancel a speech scheduled for Nov. 15th by former 1970’s radical and associate of Barack Obama after receiving complaints from the governor and other elected officials.

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CMU Double Standard on Security

, Campus Conservatives

Central Michigan University has decided to charge a conservative student organization hundreds of dollars for security at a recent event with
nationally-known author, commentator and activist David Horowitz despite a threat of legal action.

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Recent Articles

Common Core: Show Me the Money

, Malcolm A. Kline

It turns out that Common Core’s creators might be demonstrating the same ethos Cuba Gooding’s character demonstrated in the film Jerry Maguire when he said, “Show me the money.” “An undercover journalist for a nonprofit…

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Hate is the Essence of Socialism

, Cliff Kincaid

When will socialist Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) be held accountable by the media for his own revolutionary and hateful rhetoric? “Not Donald Trump, not anyone else will be successful in dividing us based on…

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