Recent Articles


, Lance Nation

What can this correspondent write about Gregory Charles Royal’s recent press conference at the National Press Club (NPC)?

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The Ivory Bench

, Malcolm A. Kline

It turns out that another modern-day concept bizarre to some of us old-timers—that of judges acting as de facto school boards—also, like so many other exotic trends, has its roots in academia.

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Recent Articles

School Choice Round-Up

, Malcolm A. Kline

There is good news and bad from the states on school choice, as compiled by the Heartland Institute in its School Reform News. First, the bad news: “A Minnesota family choosing to educate their child…

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More on Trump University

, Spencer Irvine

From the AAUP’s Academe Blog: As Donald Trump’s opponents have tried to substantiate their assertions that he is a confidence man, fresh attention has been given to the class-action lawsuits filed by former students of…

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