Recent Articles

Who Is Barack Obama?

, Irene Warren

William Owens, Jr., argues that voting Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) into the presidency could prove disastrous, if not a curse to the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and to the progress of Black Americans.

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Afghanistan Earmarks

, Lance Nation

Politicians continue to urge the U.S. military to adopt additional objectives in Afghanistan, but one of these congressional impulses could undermine the military’s primary objective in the region.

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A Financial Primer

, James F. Davis

As someone who spent the majority of my life as an international bank analyst and executive, I learned that to fix a problem, one needs to understand what caused it.

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Onward Christian Valedictorian

, Liberty Counsel

iberty Counsel filed a brief asking the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals to rule in favor of Erica Corder, a high school valedictorian who was forced to publicly apologize for sharing her Christian faith during her 30-second message at graduation.

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Recent Articles

Dark Money Funds Universities

, Malcolm A. Kline

The media rarely miss a chance to go after conservatives funding their favorite causes but virtually ignore the more extensive, expensive and successful efforts of left-wing money men to bankroll theirs, particularly on college campuses….

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Common Core Sinks GOP Establishment Figures

, Malcolm A. Kline

Establishment Republicans are always mystified when they embrace Democratic Party policies and get hammered for it, particularly, as is frequently the case, when those programs don’t work particularly well. “It was everyday moms who shamed…

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