Recent Articles

In Sickness and In Health

, Malcolm A. Kline

Critics in both the media and academia who point to exploding costs and denial of care as maladies afflicting the U. S. health care system are getting part of the story right.

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Bailout Born in Academia?

, Cliff Kincaid

The latest government attempt to kill the free market in the United States—the federal bailout of Wall Street—may have been born and bred in that incubator for socialist scemes—the Ivory Tower.

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North To Alaska

, Bethany Stotts and Santiago Leon

The late Troy University professor Christopher T. Warden, the former editorial page editor of Investor’s Business Daily, explains why gas prices are so high in a recent Accuracy in Academia meeting at the National Press Club.

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North to Alaska

, Bethany Stotts and Santiago Leon

Troy University professor Christopher T. Warden, the former editorial page editor of Investor’s Business Daily, explains why gas prices are so high in a recent Accuracy in Academia meeting at the National Press Club.

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Deceptions of My Father

, Malcolm A. Kline

Even when they are trying to be even-handed, academics show their biases. Case in point: a double book review in the Chronicle of Higher Education that seeks to equate the fathers of the two presidential candidates.

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Middle East Apologetics

, Lance Nation

In a recent panel at the Brookings Institution, foreign policy analysts proposed a new strategy for dealings between the United States and the Middle East.

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Colorado Quotas

, Roger Clegg

In rmarks to the Independence Institute today, Linda Chavez discusses the presence of racial, ethnic, and gender preferences in Colorado’s public education, contracting, and employment programs.

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Star Wars In Nonfiction

, Lance Nation

Power lost . . . communication down . . . millions die from starvation . . . the United States has just been hit by an Electro-Magnetic Pulse, or EMP. This is not a new Lucas or Spielberg script, a fantasy concocted in the minds of a sci-fi junkie.

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Recent Articles

Right Turn in Academe?

, Malcolm A. Kline

A writer from The New Yorker actually noticed a political bias in academe: She claims it tilts right. Actually, Jane Mayer’s article, “How a Handful of Wealthy Reactionaries Tugged Academe to the Right,” which appeared…

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Defending Our republican Constitution

, Spencer Irvine

Randy Barnett, the Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Legal Theory at the Georgetown University Law Center, director of the Georgetown Center for the Constitution, and an author of eleven books, has a book that should be…

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