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Future of the Judiciary

, Lance Nation

As the race for the White House punches into overdrive, a critical factor in choosing the next president has seemingly been forgotten—federal court appointments.

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Original Intent for All

, Irene Warren

Although conservatives generally embrace the original intent of the U.S. Constitution, while liberals see it as a living document, one legal scholar points out that a liberal read of the document constrains both left and right, while an interpretive one lends itself to exploitation by such political factions.

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Biofueled Food Shortages?

, Irene Warren

Despite experts’ efforts to find conventional and affordable ways to raise livestock, to grow healthy vegetation, while protecting the environment still remains a major problem in the 21st century.

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Soldier in the Rain

, Emily Miller

Michael Chertoff admits that three and a half years after Hurricane Katrina, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) he heads still falls short from protecting the American national structures from natural disasters.

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Tuition Economics

, Bethany Stotts

There is no such thing as “free quality education” because the financial burden of that education must either be placed on the taxpayer or fulfilled through private sources such as tuition dollars.

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