Recent Articles

Free to Choose?

, Deborah Lambert

In these days of rapidly escalating college tuition costs, the very mention of an institution like Berea College can make the heads of pricey schools a bit defensive.

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Two Faces of China

, Irene Warren

Thus far, the Chinese government has been accused of sloppy record keeping and giving a false account of the violent attacks that have recently taken place during the Olympic Games.

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Am I Diverse Enough?

, Deborah Lambert

While the goal was supposedly a climate of “cultural tolerance and understanding,” Berkeley “appeared to encourage a divisive culture of victimhood and entitlement,” says a former student.

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California Cramming

, Irene Warren

California students only managed to demonstrate minimal gains in English and made no significant progress in Math on academic achievement tests, according to recent data.

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Russia’s True Colors

, Ben Giles

A somber, visibly weary Georgian Ambassador spoke before television cameras and an overflow crowd at The Heritage Foundation’s Lehrman Auditorium on August 18, discussing his country’s future in light of Russia’s recent occupation.

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Media Bias Sealed Vietnam’s Fate

, Rachel Paulk

To Set the Record Straight: How Swift Boat Veterans, POWs and the New Media Defeated John Kerry offers a chilling insight into the media manipulation of the Vietnam War and the records involving U.S. Senator John Kerry’s experience with the communist-backed protest organization Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW).

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Recent Articles

Protesting Melissa Click

, Spencer Irvine

Melissa Click, an assistant mass media communications professor at the University of Missouri, is currently suspended for assaulting a student journalist during a protest and calling for “muscle” to push the journalist out of the…

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Denial of Debt

, Cliff Kincaid

In addition to the problems of too much federal debt and too much spending, the issue of easy credit over the last seven years has been examined by Dr. Tracy C. Miller, an associate professor…

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