Recent Articles

What Would Jesus Do?

, Tony Perkins

Well, it depends on who you ask. According to Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, the Son of God and Author of life would be in favor of suctioning viable babies from their mothers’ wombs and killing them.

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Return of the Atlanticists

, Jeff Waldmann

With the British Conservative Party poised for a thunderous victory in the next general election, the future appears bright for increased cooperation between the United States and Great Britain in the War on Terror, according to a Heritage Foundation panel.

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Science: A Religion Unto Itself

, Michael P. Tremoglie

The Bretz case of the 1920s and the Sternberg case today demonstrate that the scientific community can be just as dogmatic as the religious one. Neither science nor religion has a monopoly on truth.

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Warning: Tuition Hike Ahead

, Jeff Waldmann

The new College Affordability Act vastly expands federal student aid while failing to acknowledge or alleviate the undeniable link between increasing student aid and rising tuition costs.

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Repression with a Capital R

, Rachel Paulk

While millions of people gathered in Beijing to watch the opening ceremony of the Olympics, protestors met outside of Chinese embassies in Washington D.C., London, Madrid, Paris, Stockholm, Rome, Berlin, Lausanne, and Ottawa to call attention to China’s gross violations of basic human rights.

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Where Are The Peaceniks?

, Bob Parks

I would think a peacenik would abhor all war and call for peace whenever and wherever it broke out. But alas, the peace movement is currently silent (Day Four) when it comes to the recent Russian invasion of Georgia.

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ConWeb Artists

, Bethany Stotts

At the left-wing blog, ConWebWatch, dedicated to “monitoring” conservative news websites, Terry Krepel has doggedly been criticizing Accuracy in Media.

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Recent Articles

ScaliaGate at Georgetown University

, Spencer Irvine

Georgetown University law professors argued whether the university should pay homage and remember U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, a conservative justice on the high court. The Washington Post reported on the controversy and obtained…

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ObamaCare will Bankrupt the U.S.

, Cliff Kincaid

One topic of conversation in the Republican race for the White House has been whether President Obama has been incompetent, or actually knows what he’s doing. On the matter of Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable…

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