Recent Articles

Connecting Shoes, the Poor, and China

, Daniel Smith

A small, unknown congressional bill, currently committee-stalled in both houses of Congress, illustrates the difficulty in passing any legislation, even if it is supported by both sides of the aisle. Case in point—the Affordable Footwear Act of 2007 (AFA).

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Where to Cut Defense

, Malcolm A. Kline

There may actually be a part of the Pentagon’s budget that advocates of a strong defense want to cut. Naturally, it has precious little to do with taking up arms to defend America and a lot to do with feathering the already plush nests of universities.

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Oily Congress

, Rachel Paulk

Republican congressmen are now staging sit-ins reminiscent of the hippy protests of Vietnam—except instead of flower children holding “make love, not war” signs, these weathered politicians have gathered to rail against the Democrats’ refusal to address the energy crisis.

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Report on Iraq

, Ben Giles

Now that major gains have been made to bring stability to Iraq, it would be foolish for the United States to simply leave the country arbitrarily, military strategists say.

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Wellthy & Wise

, Emily Miller

Education and health: two seemingly separate domains, but according Robert Kaestner, professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, the two are closely intertwined.

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The Pakistan Paradox

, Rachel Paulk

With Monday’s talks expected to focus on aid and security issues, maintaining a solid political relationship with the Islamic nation is vital to the success of the U.S. mission in Afghanistan.

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Recent Articles

Hijab Day Backfires at New York School

, Spencer Irvine

Predictably, not consulting parents and holding a ‘Hijab Day’ at a school led to outrage and calls from parents. But who was behind it? The principal and, in part, the Department of Education’s ‘Islamophobia’ fear-mongering rhetoric….

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