Recent Articles

Accomplice to Desecration

, Susan A. Fani

The Chancellor of the University of Minnesota, Morris (UMN) released a statement today placing the intentional desecration of the Eucharist by Professor Paul Z. Myers under the label of academic freedom.

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Good Money After Bad

, Bethany Stotts

When gas prices are at record highs and American families are feeling the economic pinch, Congress may just decide to boost gas prices even higher. Their reason will be to save jobs.

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AIA Launches Econ Text

, Malcolm A. Kline

Accuracy in Academia will feature Troy University professor Chris Warden, author of the forthcoming Voodoo Anyone? Economics for Journalists, which AIA is publishing, in a special book forum at the National Press Club on July 30.

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Gitmo Merry-Go-Round

, Emily Miller

The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission) held a congressional hearing last week to revisit Guantanamo policies in the wake of Boumediene v. Bush, a recent Supreme Court decision that extends habeas corpus rights to detainees in Guantanamo Bay.

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Aid to Pakistan Evaporates

, Audra Taylor

Much of the financial assistance donated by other countries toward the betterment of Pakistan’s health and population sectors is not being utilized efficiently, according to Dr. Samia Altaf.

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The Other Michele

, Rachel Paulk

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once said, “Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation.” U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann, R-Minn, might be in that put-upon tenth.

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Recent Articles

Apprenticeships Making a Comeback?

, Malcolm A. Kline

Somewhere between random free college for everyone and Teutonic regimentation geared towards industry is a happy medium of career choices that American high school graduates used to come much closer to having access to. “The…

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