Recent Articles

Why We Whisper

, Melinda Zosh

Senator Jim Demint (R-SC) said that unwed pregnant women should not be schoolteachers, and the media accused him of intolerance.

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Liberal Greed

, Melinda Zosh

Liberals accept cheating on taxes, cheating on their spouses and lying for their own self interests, Peter Schweizer, author of Makers and Takers, said at the Heritage Foundation.

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Making a Federal Case

, Emily Ham

In a study documenting the total number of federal crimes within United States law, researchers have found that there has been a major increase in the definition of such offenses since the founding of the nation in 1776.

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McCain Unplugged

, Audra Taylor

Although their positions on issues may look indistinct to many voters right now, policy analysts are finding key distinctions between the two major political parties’ presidential candidates this year.

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Myers to Desecreate Eucharist and Koran

, Susan A. Fani

On July 15, Catholic League president Bill Donohue called attention to the way Professor Paul Z. Myers of the University of Minnesota treats Catholicism and Islam: the biologist’s pledge to desecrate the Eucharist contrasts starkly with the deference he has shown to Islam.

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Karachi Kids

, Robin Beshear

California-born Muslim Imran Raza takes Americans behind the doors of the radical madrassa Jamia Binoria in his upcoming documentary, The Karachi Kids.

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Recent Articles

Silent Conservatives at Colleges

, Malcolm A. Kline

Apparently liberals on college campuses are not only “triggered” by what they hear from conservatives but even by their silence. “The University of Minnesota’s undergraduate student government approved an annual moment of silence to recognize…

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Charter Schools are Taking Off

, Malcolm A. Kline

  At least one form of very productive education disruption is growing exponentially. “Parents can choose public schools for their children in 55 percent of the nation’s largest school districts, more than double the percent…

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