Recent Articles

Historical Progress?

, Bethany Stotts

Despite what Americans have been hearing about the nation’s poor civics literacy, renowned education reformer Diane Ravitch suggests that, on historical subjects at least, civics education may have made “some headway.”

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As California Goes…?

, Emily Miller

The coming conflict over gay marriage permeates into much deeper aspects of life and law, and churches being slapped with lawsuits barely scratches the surface of the legal challenges ahead.

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Speaking of Change…

, Deborah Lambert

When 11 percent of Yale’s senior class, 10 percent of Georgetown’s and 9 percent of Harvard’s head off to teach at some of America’s most impoverished inner city schools for the next couple of years, something’s going on.

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Migration: Who Cares?

, Ben Giles

Coming to the conclusion that migration should not be thought of as a distinctly national issue, two authors presented data on their research of metropolitan cities experiencing and influx of foreign-born immigrants.

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Recent Articles

Common Core of Profit

, Mary Grabar

Editor’s Note: The original post was published by the Selous Foundation for Public Policy Research. James O’Keefe’s undercover videos reveal what activists have been saying for years: Common Core is a set of standards written…

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