Recent Articles

Days of Silence

, Bethany Stotts

Same-sex marriage isn’t the only pro-gay policy making waves in California. Now school districts with bullying problems are forming alliances with gay rights organizations, often at the behest of the American Civil Liberties Union.

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School Choices, Not Echoes

, Paul T. Yarbrough, J.D.

Several schools would receive a “B” or higher if this were an examination, and thus merit inclusion in this survey of Excellent American Colleges and Universities. Here they are, with a few brief insights.

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Generation Why

, Bob Parks

Is Generation Y going to cast informed votes, and if their candidate wins and our nation suffers, should we hold them solely responsible?

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Academia Hurtles Towards Limbo

, Paul T. Yarbrough, J.D.

For our survival as a nation, to advance the cause of liberty and preserve what is left of our Judeo-Christian culture, faith and reason must infuse the life of an American college. Do any institutions in our land value these imperatives?

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NEA Dues & Don’ts

, Tony Perkins

The 2008 National Education Association (NEA) conference is expected to focus more on the nation’s political season than on the well-being of American students.

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Tibet and China

, Melinda Zosh

Dr. Warren Smith, Jr. spoke at the Heritage Foundation on June 17 about Chinese-Tibetan relations, Tibet’s bloody past, and the country’s uncertain future.

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Recent Articles

From Stalinist Russia, With Love

, Malcolm A. Kline

In Stalinist Russia, they had a love-hate relationship with the United States: Stalin hated it but the writers he dispatched to the U. S. on investigatory trips got to rather like it. Ilya Ilf and…

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Disabling Dickens

, Malcolm A. Kline

Truly, some authors are just too important to be left to academia. Charles Dickens is one of them. Yet and still, the Modern Language Association (MLA), at its annual conventions, regularly tries to modernize the…

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