Recent Articles

Al Shura Assurances

, Rachel Paulk

Saudi Arabian councilmen and lawmakers laud Resolution 120 as the answer to centuries female oppression, yet their failure to implement the motion has rendered it all but meaningless.

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McClellan Late Show

, Ben Giles

In his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on June 19, Scott McClellan expressed his frustration over alleged leaks and cover-ups by White House officials.

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A Yale Tale

, Malcolm A. Kline

Under the guise of scholarship, the professoriat would have us “leave them alone” but is the feeling mutual?

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The Gitmo Religious Test

, Susan A. Fani

The McClatchy Company, which owns 30 daily newspapers, just completed a five-day series on the living conditions of suspected terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

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Mistake That is Lake

, Cliff Kincaid

Barack Obama has appointed Georgetown Professor Tony Lake to his foreign policy team. Lake denies Alger Hiss’ well-established Communist connections.

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Air China

, Rachel Paulk

Militarists tout aircraft carriers as the next step in China’s development into America’s worst nightmare.

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Recent Articles

Rehashing Salaita’s Firing, Again

, Spencer Irvine

The Modern Language Association (MLA) is obsessive over Steven Salaita’s firing at the University of Illinois, demonstrated by a panel session entitled, “Salaita, Academic Freedom, and the Question of Palestine: Where Do We Go from…

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