Recent Articles

Melancholy Serenades

, Malcolm A. Kline

Education professionals think that they have come up with a way to get middle school students to share their life experiences in a way that is both therapeutic and instructive but the exercises may prove to be intrusive at best.

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Green Swindle

, Ben Giles

The IPCC continually refused to remove Reiter’s name from their list of 2,500 hundred scientists whom they claimed supported the findings in the report.

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Tolling the Red Bell

, Malcolm A. Kline

For many a decade, schoolchildren of all ages have been taught to revere the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. The question is, how closely does that perception match up with reality?

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Ward Churchill is baaaaack!

, Deborah Lambert

Although Ward Churchill was finally fired by the University of Colorado, Boulder for plagiarism and dishonest scholarship rather than his 9-11 remarks, you’d never know it from his website at, aka the “Ward Churchill Solidarity Network,” dedicated to “Defending Academic Freedom and Political Dissent.”

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Inflated Costs of War

, Rachel Paulk

The Three Trillion Dollar War attempts to calculate the accurate total cost of the war in Iraq, covering factors not included in the government’s official $800 billion figure.

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Recent Articles

Bootstrapping Broads: Talking Feminism

, Spencer Irvine

Harriet Beecher Stowe, European gardens and gender bias were discussed in a recent Modern Language Association (MLA) panel at their annual convention held this year in Austin, Texas. The panel, entitled, “Bootstrapping Broads: On the…

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Ecologically Correct: It’s Academic!

, Malcolm A. Kline

It’s interesting that although liberals are the ones who most like to talk about protecting the environment, conservatives are the ones most likely to do yard work. “There is a conflict between the politics of…

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